The “2013 Forum on cooperation amongst manufacturers, universities and research institutes for research and development of biological materials” was held by SCS on August 15th in Shanghai. Total of 5 delegates from MicroPort Medical(Shanghai)Co., Ltd. including Mr. Lin, the general manager, Dr. Geng and other concerned technical persons, some members of The Inorganic Biological and Environmental Protective Materials Committee of SCS, Chairman of SCS Mr. Chen Lidong and vice chairman of SCS Mr. Liu Changsheng attended this Forum. Ms. Pan the director of academic department, Ms. Zhang, from the academic department of SAST also participated in the Forum. The secretary general of SCS Mr. Zhang presided over the Forum. The chairman of SCS Mr. Chen, the director of academic department of SAST Ms. Pan and the general manager of MicroPort Medical(Shanghai)Co., Ltd. Mr. Lin presented their brief addresses, respectively. In the Forum, an agreement of intentional cooperation between SCS and MicroPort Medical(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. was signed by the chairman of SCS Mr. Chen and MicroPort Medical(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. Mr. Lin.
Meanwhile, in this Forum, the 8 technical topics proposed by MicroPort Medical(Shanghai)Co., Ltd. were discussed. The vice chairman, director of Inorganic Biological and Environmental Protective Materials Committee of SCS, Prof. Liu summarized up the Forum. After the Forum the participants visited the related laboratory and showroom in Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences.