The 9th Congress and expired election of SCS was held on June 10th, 2011 at conference hall of Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences. 144 people from universities, scientific research institutes and some enterprises attended the Congress. Secretary General of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology Mr. Wang Xiaodong, Deputy Director of Academic Department Mr. Wang Chunming, Vice Director of Community Department of Shanghai Administration Bureau of Non-Governmental Organizations Mr. Yu Shu, and Mr. Zhang Zhenqiu from the Community Dept. as well as all the directors of 8th council of SCS attended this congress. This congress has two parts. The agenda of first half of the congress was: summary of working report of 8th council presented by President Chen LiDong, Financial report and Explanation of revision of constitution of SCS presented by Secretary General Mr. Zhang Shen, and Proposal for establishing “Energy Material Committee” presented by Director of Council Mr. Liu Changsheng. The first half of congress was presided over by Vice-Chairman Mr. Zheng Jinbiao. All the above 4 items were unanimously passed by raising hands. Director of Committee of Popularization of Science of SCS Mr. Xu Jiayao announced the list of awardees of “First award of Science Popularization” issued by SCS. The agenda of second half of the congress was general election for 9th council of SCS. Senior engineer Sun Jianan presided over the second half of congress. Professor Wang Deping reviewed the preparation of re-election for 9th Council. Research fellow Hu Lili introduced the process of nomination of candidates. The brief situation of every candidate was introduced, respectively. The general scrutineer and ballot examiners were voted by raising hands and then the general election was carried out. Immediately after the 9th Council was elected through polling and counting, the first session of 9th Council was held. At that session the new chairman and vice chairman of the 9th Council were elected. Mr. Chen Lidong continued to serve as board chairman of 9th Council of SCS; Mr. Wang Deping, Kuang Hong, Sun Jianan, Liu Changsheng, Zhang Lin, Hu Lili were elected as vice chairman of Council. Through the nomination by Chairman Chen Lidong, the first session of Council unanimously elected Mr. Zhang Shen as secretary general of the 9th Council of SCS. By the end of this congress the chairman of Council made a brief speech. Vice Director of Community Department of Shanghai Administration Bureau of Non-Governmental Organizations Mr. Yu Shu and Secretary General of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology Mr. Wang made their ebullient speech, respectively.