The “Forum on New Technique in Low-E Coating Glass” sponsored by Inorganic Material Committee of SCS was held on July 18, 2007. More than 20 experts coming from Inorganic Material Committee, Furnace and Equipment Committee and Science Promotion Committee of SCS attended this forum. This forum was presided over by Vice President of SCS, Director of Inorganic Material Committee of SCS Mr. Zhuge Peizhi. At very beginning of the forum the secretary general Professor Zhang Shen briefly introduced the preparation of this forum and then the Vice President Mr. Zhuge Peizhi summarily described the main topics of this forum and basic situation of Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Co., Ltd. In the forum two reports “Always pursue further achievements” and “Technique and Products of Low-E Coating Glass” were presented by Mr. Wang Maoliang from Technical Centre of Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Co., Ltd. After the forum all the participants visited glass coating line and assembling line of automobile glass in the Co.