16~18, Dec. 2004
The 7th National Congress of Chinese Ceramic Society were held in Xiamen Fujian.Province China。There were more than 120 members of Chinese Ceramic Society across country participated this meeting。
12~14, Dec. 2004
The National Symposium on Electric Melting Technology for Glass Making held atDonghua University。More than 130 persons participated this Symposium。
02, Nov. 2004
The Second Annual Technical Meeting of Shanghai Science and Technology Association. The Minister of National Science and Technology Mr.Xu Guanhua delivered a speech "About medium and long-term developing programme of national science and technology" and the Chairman of the Association Mr. Shen Wenqing made a speech "The development of science and technology and intellectual property" and many research reports on strategy of development of science and technology were presented as well in this meeting.
Oct. 12-14, 2004
2004 China (Shanghai ) International Exhibition on Advanced Inorganic Materials Technology and Equipment was held on Oct. 12-14, at INTEX Shanghai. There were more than 200 exhibitors to take part in the exhibition, and 4000 visitors attended it.

Oct. 13, 2004
The Shanghai International Symposium on Research and Application of Advanced Inorganic Materials 2004 was held on Nov. 25-26, at Shanghai Galaxy Hotel, it was organized by SCS. About 160 domestic entrepreneurs、scientists and technicians as well as students attended this symposium. On this symposium, there were 2 Chinese academicians and 4 foreign experts to give academic reports.
Sep. 19, 2004
The Symposium on Tissue Engineering and Bio-materials of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2004 was held on Sep.19, at Shanghai Hope Hotel. It was organized by SCS and Shanghai Institute of Ceramics(CAS).
About 60 scientists and technicians from institutes、universities and hospitals at home and abroad attended it.
Jul. 23, 2004
The Furnace and Apparatus Professional Committee held the meeting of technology exchanging at Kangqiao Holiday Hotel in Shanghai Pudong Area, and visited the Morgan Thermal Ceramics Shanghai Limited.

Jul. 21, 2004
An foreign technical delegation visited our society and discussed business with us. They are from IBG mbH & Co.(Germany)、Superior Technical Ceramics Corp.(USA)、INTA Co.(USA) and Jiangsu Weldstone Ceramic Industry Co. Ltd. And Guangzhou ABITEC Welding Equipment Co. Ltd.(China).
Jul. 16, 2004
The symposium on furnace technology was carried out at Shanghai Science Hall on July 16, 2004. There were more than 50 technicians attending the symposium. The Symposium was co-organized by the SCS、F.I.C. Co., Ltd.(England) and Shanghai Baoye Industrial Furnace Company.

Jun. 25, 2004
The Second Symposium on Crystals and Ruby Technology was held by the Crystals and Ruby Professional Committee at the Examining Center of East China University of Science and Technology.
Jun. 8, 2004
The Small-scale Symposium on Advanced Inorganic Material was held by The Shanghai Society and General Electric Research and Development Center Co., Ltd. at Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of Chinese Academy of Science on June 8, 2004. There were more than 20 technicians attending the symposium. They are from Shanghai University、Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of Chinese Academy of Science.

Apr. 7, 2004
Austria famous crystal glass SWAROVSKI Co. CEO D. SWAROVSKI, Dr. Wolfang Porcham and Mr. Dieter Kattge visited to Shanghai. They were invited by Shanghai Ceramic Society and College of Material Science and Engineering of Donghua University. During staying in Shanghai, Dr. Wolfang Porcham gave a lecture---"How do the glass manufacturers pay attention to environmental protection for manufacturing crystal glass?" There were more than 70 persons to attending the lecture.
Mar. 1, 2004
The Furnace and Apparatus Professional Committee held the preparing meeting about "Symposium on Technology and Equipment of Electric Furnace Glass Melting".
Feb. 26, 2004
There were 21 liaison officers (came from some membership unites) attending the meeting on "Information exchange of Society".
Jan. 13, 2004
The board of directors meeting of Shanghai Ceramic Society was held at meeting-room of Society. In this meeting, summarizing the 2003year's works, and Discussing the Society 's work of next year t.
Jan. 8, 2004
The Furnace and Apparatus Professional Committee held a Tea Party for the Coming New Year at the Material Building of Donghua University. This meeting summarized committee's work of the last year and discussed working projects of the New year.