“The 14th Symposium of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and the 11th Shanghai Engineer Forum” was held on Sept. 19th, 2016 at Shanghai Science Hall. More than 600 representatives coming from societies and associations subordinated to CAST, each district and county association for science and technology, universities and associations for science and technology of enterprises attended the opening ceremony. There also were several representatives from Shanghai Ceramic Societies attending the symposium. At the opening ceremony the results of re-examination and evaluation for Star Societies of CAST in 2016 and the winner list of the14th "Science & Technology Award for Chinese Youth" were announced. The vice president of CAST Mr.Yang Jianrong presented a brief speech. After the opening ceremony an academic seminar was held. The professor from the Stanford University Prof. Zhang Shoucheng, and the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Chen Kaixian were specially invited to present their reports: “Electronic highway” and “The contemporary position, function and innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine”, respectively.